User Guide
Editing solid fills
A solid fill is a solid color that fills the interior of an object. You can change an object’s fill color in the Tools panel,
Property inspector, or Color Mixer.
To edit a selected vector object’s solid fill:
Click the Fill Color box in the Property inspector, Tools panel, or Color Mixer to open the color pop-up window.
2 Select a swatch from the color pop-up window.
The fill appears in the selected object and becomes the active fill color.
Applying gradient and pattern fills
You can change fills to display a variety of solid, dithered, pattern, or gradient characteristics that range from solid
colors to gradients. These characteristics resemble satin, ripples, folds, or gradients that conform to the contour of
the object to which you apply them. Additionally, you can change various attributes of a fill, such as color, edge,
texture, and transparency.
You can select from a number of preset gradient and pattern fills, or you can create your own.
Note: A newly created fill assumes the current color displayed in the Fill Color box in the Tools panel.
Use the Fill options in the Property inspector or the Fill Options pop-up window to edit fill attributes.
Applying a pattern fill
You can fill a path object with a bitmap graphic, known as a pattern fill. Fireworks ships with more than a dozen
pattern fills, including Berber, Leaves, and Wood.
To apply a pattern fill to a selected object:
Do one of the following:
• Select Pattern from the Fill Options pop-up menu in the Property inspector.
• Click the Fill Color box in the Tools panel, click Fill Options, and select Pattern from the Fill Options pop-up
2 Select a pattern from the Pattern Name pop-up menu.
The pattern fill appears in the selected object and becomes the active fill color.