User Guide
Note: You cannot use the Duplicate or Clone commands with bitmap selections. Use the Subselection tool or Rubber
Stamp tool to duplicate parts of a bitmap image. For more information about using the Subselection tool, see the
following procedures. For more information about using the Rubber Stamp tool, see “Retouching bitmaps” on page 66.
To duplicate a pixel selection, do one of the following:
• Drag the pixel selection using the Subselection tool.
• Alt-drag (Windows) or Option-drag (Macintosh) the object using the Pointer tool.
To clone a selection:
❖ Select Edit > Clone.
The clone of the selection is stacked precisely in front of the original and becomes the selected object.
Note: To move a selected clone away from the original with pixel-by-pixel precision, use the arrow keys or Shift+arrow
keys. This is a convenient way to maintain a specific distance between clones or maintain the vertical or horizontal
alignment of the clones.
To delete selected objects, do one of the following:
• Press Delete or Backspace.
• Select Edit > Clear.
• Select Edit > Cut.
• Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Macintosh) the object and select Edit > Cut from the context menu.
To cancel or deselect a selection, do one of the following:
• Choose Select > Deselect.
• Click anywhere in the image outside of the selected area if you are using the Marquee, Oval Marquee, or Lasso tool.
• Press Escape.
Transforming and distorting selected objects and
You can transform a selected object or group, or a pixel selection, using the Scale, Skew, and Distort tools and menu
When you select any transformation tool or Transform menu command, Fireworks displays transform handles
around selected objects.
Scale enlarges or reduces an object.
Skew slants an object along a specified axis.
Distort moves the sides or corners of an object in the direction you drag a selection handle while the tool
is active. This is helpful in creating a 3D look.