Simple Rollover behavior 209
swap image 207
constraining 56
objects 55
relocating axis of rotation 56
Rounded Rectangle tool 87, 89
rounded rectangles 85
Rubber Stamp tool 66
rulers 38
saturation, adjusting 71
saving 276
animations 279
images 277
saving documents 22, 23
Scale tool 55
graphics 338
interpolation options 346
objects 55
scripting 343
editing scripts 344
Flash SWF files 344
scrolling the canvas 33
See also panning
searching 330
See also finding and replacing
segments, converting 97
adding to a pixel selection 47, 48
additional objects 43
alpha area 48
area around a marquee 50
canceling a selection 54
contracting a marquee border 49
deselecting a marquee 47
deselecting an object 43
expanding a marquee border 49
feathering a pixel selection 49
feathering edges 65
floating pixel selection 52
freeform area of pixels 45
grouped objects 58
images 44
inverting a pixel selection 49
overlapping areas of bitmaps 48
pixel areas 45
pixels 44
points 98
polygonal area of pixels 45
similar colors 46
smoothing a marquee border 50
subtracting from a pixel
selection 47, 48
Selective JPEG compression 273
Enable Selective Quality 273
overlay color 273
preserve button quality 274
preserve text quality 274
Selective Quality button 273
Send Backward command 59
Send to Back command 59
sending documents as e-mail
attachments 289
Set Nav Bar Image behavior 210
Set Pop-up Menu behavior 210
Set Text of Status Bar behavior 210
shadows 72, 150
shapes 14
Shapes panel27
sharing layers 163
Sharpen filter81
Sharpen More filter 81
Sharpen tool 66
sharpening 81
bitmap areas 66
images 67
shortcut sets 350
See also keyboard shortcuts
Show Fill Handles preference 347
Show Pen Preview preference 347
Show Solid Points preference 347
Show/Hide hotspots and slices 203
edges 43
panels 29
rulers 38
toolbars 31
Simple Rollover behavior 209
simple rollovers207
creating 209
Simplify command 106
simplifying paths 105
Skew tool 56
skewing objects 56
slanting objects 56
slice guides
changing color 203
removing 205
viewing 203
slices 13
auto-naming 213
changing color 203
creating 201
editing Adobe Fireworks table
slices from Dreamweaver 299
exporting 277, 278
overlapping 205
polygon 202
resizing 204
showing or hiding slice overlay 264
text 201
updating 278
using nested tables 215
using spacer 215
definition 200
for interactivity 200
slideshow properties 252
slideshows, creating 250
Smart Polygon tool 87
Smooth command 50
Smudge tool 66
bitmap areas 66
images 68
Snap Distance preference 347
soft interpolation scaling method 346
activation 1
registration 1
software downloads 7
solid fills
adding texture to 146
applying 141
spacers 215
Special Characters panel 28
spell checking 124
Spiral tool 87
Split command 104
stacking objects 59
Standard Screen mode 33
Star tool 87
stars 85, 87
Start page 24