straight segments, editing 95
Stroke Color box 136
strokes 136
adding texture 145
changing centering 139
changing color of drawing
tools 137
choosing 136
creating custom 138
drawing fill over 139
edges of 136
editing 136
finding and replacing 333
reorienting 139
resetting default color 127
saving settings 140
setting sensitivity 139
swapping stroke and fill colors 127
textures 136
adding 184
applying 184
basing on existing styles 185
defined 183
deleting 185
editing 185
enlarging preview icons 186
exporting 185
importing 185
new 184
resetting to defaults 186
Styles panel 27, 183
Subselection tool
auto-joining paths with 100
selecting masks with 173
swap color palettes 134
Swap Image behavior 209
swap image rollovers
creating disjoint rollovers 208
with single slice 207
swap image, external images for 211
swatch group, choosing custom 128
Swatches panel 28, 127
appending swatches 128
deleting a color 129
replacing a color 129
saving custom 129
Windows system colors 128
swatches, choosing custom 128
SWF movies 345
symbol library 186
Symbol Properties panel 28
breaking a link 193
creating 186
defined 186
deleting 188
duplicating 188
editing 187, 193
editing graphics 241
exporting 195
importing 195
modifying 187
placing instances 187
placing instances in document 187
rich graphic 190
saving as rich graphic symbols 191
swapping 188
tweening 246
using 9-slice scaling 188
system color picker 131
system requirements1
adjusting character width 118
alignment 116
attributes, saving 119
checking spelling 124
color 113
direction of 116
entering 109
finding and replacing 332
formatting 112
indenting 117
orientation 116
overview 109
paragraph spacing 117
slices 201
Text Editor 125
text blocks
auto-sizing 111
fixed-width 111
moving 111
naming 110
resizing 111
text paths
attaching text to path 120
changing shape of path 120
converting text to path 122
detaching from path 120
editing text attached to a path 120
moving starting point of text 121
placing text on a path 121
text styles
bold 113
effects 119
fills 119
italic 113
strokes 119
underline 113
Text tool 109
adding to fills 146
adding to strokes 145
in Layers panel 159
selecting masks with 173
TIFF file format, choosing 265
TIFF, saving 23
tonal range 72
adjusting with Curves 74
adjusting with Levels 72
tone, adjusting 71
docking 31
showing and hiding 31
undocking 31
unlocking 31
Blur 66
Brush 64
Burn 66
changing options 25
changing stroke color 137
Colors section in Tools panel 126
Distort 57
Dodge 66
Eraser 65
Eyedropper 64
Lasso 44
Magic Wand 44
Marquee 44
Oval Marquee 44
Pencil 63
Pointer 41, 44
Polygon Lasso 44