User Guide
3 In the Editors list, if Fireworks appears in the list, select it. If Fireworks is not in the list, click the Plus (+) button,
locate the Fireworks application on your hard disk, and click Open.
4 Click Make Primary.
5 Repeat steps 2 through 4 to set Fireworks as the primary editor for other web image file types.
About Design Notes and source files
Whenever you export a Fireworks file from a saved source PNG file to a Dreamweaver site, Fireworks writes a Design
Note that contains information about the file. For example, when you export a Fireworks table, Fireworks writes a
Design Note for each exported image. These Design Notes contain references to the source PNG file that spawned
the exported files.
When you open and edit a Fireworks image from within Dreamweaver, Dreamweaver uses the Design Note to locate
a source PNG for that file. For best results, always save your Fireworks source PNG file and exported files in a Dream-
weaver site. This ensures that any user sharing the site can locate the source PNG when starting Fireworks from
within Dreamweaver.
Specifying launch-and-edit preferences for Fireworks source files
The Fireworks launch-and-edit preferences let you specify how to handle source PNG files when opening Fireworks
files from another application.
Dreamweaver recognizes the Fireworks launch-and-edit preferences only in certain cases in which you open and
optimize a Fireworks image. Specifically, you must be opening and optimizing an image that is not part of a
Fireworks table and that does not contain a correct Design Note path to a source PNG file. In all other cases,
including all launch-and-edit cases of Fireworks images, Dreamweaver automatically opens the source PNG file,
prompting you to locate the source file if it cannot be found.