User Guide
Dreamweaver supports all behaviors applied in Fireworks, including those required for rollovers and buttons. The
following Dreamweaver behaviors are supported by Fireworks during a launch-and-edit session:
• Simple Rollover
• Swap Image
• Swap Image Restore
• Set Text of Status Bar
• Set Nav Bar Image
• Pop-up Menu
Note: Fireworks does not support nonnative behaviors, including server-side behaviors.
Note: Dreamweaver library items do not support pop-up menus.
Optimizing Fireworks images and animations placed in Dreamweaver
You can start Fireworks from Dreamweaver to make quick export changes, such as re-sampling or changing the file
type, to placed Fireworks images and animations. Fireworks lets you make changes to optimization settings,
animation settings, and the size and area of the exported image.
To change optimization settings for a Fireworks image placed in Dreamweaver:
1 In Dreamweaver, select the desired image and do one of the following:
• Select Commands > Optimize Image in Fireworks.
• Click the Optimize in Fireworks button in the Property inspector.
• Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Macintosh) and choose Optimize in Fireworks from the pop-up menu.
2 If prompted, specify whether to open a Fireworks source file for the placed image.