User Guide
To undo or redo steps using the History panel:
Drag the Undo Marker up the panel until you reach the last step you want to undo or redo.
2 Click along the Undo Marker track on the left of the History panel.
Note: Undone steps remain in the History panel highlighted in gray.
To change the number of steps the History panel remembers:
1 Select Edit > Preferences (Windows) or Fireworks > Preferences (Macintosh).
2 Change Undo Steps to the number of steps you want the History panel to record.
Note: Additional steps require more computer memory.
To clear all steps from the History panel:
❖ Select Clear History from the History panel Options menu.
This frees memory and disk space.
Note: Clearing actions from the History panel removes your ability to undo edits.
Playing commands
You can execute recorded commands or a selection of actions in the History panel at any time.
To play back a saved command:
1 If necessary, select one or more objects.
2 Select the command from the Commands menu.
To replay a selection of steps:
1 Select one or more objects.
2 Select the steps in the History panel.
3 Click the Replay button at the bottom of the History panel.
Steps marked with an X are nonrepeatable and cannot be played back. Separator lines indicate that a different object
has become selected. Commands created from steps that cross a separator line can produce unpredictable results.
To apply selected steps to objects in many documents:
Select a range of steps.
2 Click the Copy Steps to Clipboard button at the bottom of the History panel.
3 Select one or more objects in any Fireworks document.
4 Select Edit > Paste.
To repeat the last step:
❖ Select Edit > Repeat Command Script.
About scripting with JavaScript
You can reduce the tedium of some repetitive tasks by writing your own JavaScript in a text editor to run within
Fireworks. You can control nearly every command or setting in Fireworks through JavaScript.
Dreamweaver also uses JavaScript. You can write scripts that control Fireworks from within Dreamweaver.