User Guide
Creating image maps
After you’ve inserted several hotspots on top of a desired graphic, you must export the graphic as an image map so
it will function in a web browser. Exporting an image map generates the graphics and the HTML containing map
information for hotspots and corresponding URL links.
Note: Fireworks produces only client-side image maps when exporting.
As an alternative to exporting, you can copy your image map to the Clipboard and paste it into Dreamweaver or
another HTML editor.
To export an image map or copy it to the Clipboard:
1 Optimize the graphic to prepare it for export.
For more information, see “About optimizing” on page 257.
2 Select File > Export.
3 If you are exporting your image (as opposed to copying it to the Clipboard), navigate to the folder where you want
to place the HTML file, and name the file.
If you have already built a local file structure for your website, you can save the graphic in the appropriate folder for
the site from here.
4 In the Save as Type pop-up menu, select HTML and Images.
5 Select an option from the HTML pop-up menu:
Export HTML File generates the required HTML file and corresponding graphics files, which you can later import
into Dreamweaver or another HTML editor.
Copy to Clipboard copies all required HTML, including a table if the document is sliced, to the Clipboard so that
you can later paste it into Dreamweaver or another HTML editor.
6 For Slices, select None only if the document contains no slices.
7 If necessary, select Put Images in Subfolder and browse to the appropriate folder.
Note: If you select Copy to Clipboard, this step is not required, and thus the option is disabled.
8 Click Save to close the Export dialog box.
When you are exporting files, Fireworks can use HTML comments to clearly label the beginning and end of code
for image maps and other web features created in Fireworks. By default, HTML comments are not included in
the code. To include them, select Include HTML Comments on the General tab of the HTML Setup dialog box.
For information on placing exported Fireworks content into Dreamweaver, see “Working with Dreamweaver” on
page 292.
Creating rollovers with hotspots
Using the drag-and-drop rollover method of creating interactivity, you can easily attach a disjoint rollover effect to
a hotspot if the target area is defined by a slice. Rollover effects are applied to hotspots the same way that they are to
slices. For more information, see “Adding simple interactivity to slices” on page 206.