User Guide
To achieve the illusion of perspective:
❖ Drag a corner point.
Distorting objects
You change the size and proportions of an object by dragging a selection handle with the Distort tool.
To distort a selected object:
1 Do one of the following to display the transform handles:
• Select the Distort tool.
• Select Modify > Transform > Distort.
2 Drag a handle to distort the object.
3 Double-click inside the window or press Enter to apply your changes.
Transforming objects numerically
Instead of dragging an object to scale, resize, or rotate it, you can transform it by entering specific values.
To resize selected objects using the Property inspector or Info panel:
❖ Enter new width (W) or height (H) measurements.
Note: If the W and H boxes aren’t visible in the Property inspector, click the expander arrow to see all properties.
To scale or rotate selected objects using Numeric Transform:
1 Select Modify > Transform > Numeric Transform.
The Numeric Transform dialog box opens.
2 From the pop-up menu, select the type of transformation to perform on the current selection: Scale, Resize, or
3 Select Constrain Proportions to maintain horizontal and vertical proportions when scaling or resizing a selection.
4 Select Scale Attributes to transform the fill, stroke, and effects of the object along with the object itself.
5 Deselect Scale Attributes to transform the path only.
6 Type numeric values to transform the selection, then click OK.
Viewing transformation information in the Info panel
The Info panel lets you view numerical transformation information for the currently selected object. The infor-
mation updates as you edit the object.
• For scaling and free transformations, the Info panel shows the width (W) and height (H) of the original object
before transformation and the percentage of increase or decrease in width and height during the transformation.
• For skewing and distorting, the Info panel shows the skew angle in one-degree increments and the X and Y pointer
coordinates during the transformation.
To view transformation information as you transform a selection:
❖ Select Window > Info.