User Guide
Image with mask applied
The mask as it appears in the Layers panel
Note: For more information about modifying a bitmap mask’s appearance by drawing on it, see “Modifying a mask’s
appearance” on page 175.
Masking objects using the Reveal and Hide commands
The Modify > Mask submenu has several options for applying empty bitmap masks to objects:
Reveal All applies an empty, transparent mask to an object, revealing the entire object. To achieve the same effect,
click the Add Mask button in the Layers panel.
Hide All applies an empty, opaque mask to an object, which hides the entire object.
Reveal Selection can be used only with pixel selections. It applies a transparent pixel mask using the current pixel
selection. The other pixels in the bitmap object are hidden. To achieve the same effect, make a pixel selection, then
click the Add Mask button.
Hide Selection can be used only with pixel selections. It applies an opaque pixel mask using the current pixel
selection. The other pixels in the bitmap object are shown. To achieve the same effect, make a pixel selection, then
Alt-click (Windows) or Option-click (Macintosh) the Add Mask button.
To use the Reveal All and Hide All commands to create a mask:
Select the object you want to mask.
2 Do one of the following to create the mask:
• Select Modify > Mask > Reveal All to show the object.
• Select Modify > Mask > Hide All to hide the object.
3 Select a bitmap painting tool from the Tools panel, such as the Brush, Pencil, or Paint Bucket.
4 Set the desired tool options in the Property inspector.
If you’ve applied a Hide All mask, you must select a color other than black.