Chapter 6: Working with Text
Fireworks CS3 has many text features typically reserved for sophisticated desktop publishing applications. You can
create text in a variety of fonts and sizes and adjust kerning, spacing, color, leading, baseline shift, and more.
Combining Fireworks text-editing features with the wide range of strokes, fills, filters, and styles makes text a lively
element of your graphic designs. You can also use the Fireworks spell-checker to correct misspellings.
When you create a text object, Fireworks automatically saves the object under a name that matches the text content,
making it easier to locate later. If you prefer a different name for that text object, you can easily change the automat-
ically assigned name.
The capability to edit text anytime—even after you apply Live Filters such as drop shadows and bevels—means you
can easily make changes to text. You can also copy objects that include text and change the text for each copy. Vertical
text, transformed text, text attached to paths, and text converted to paths and images extend the design possibilities.
You can import text while retaining rich text format attributes. Also, when you import an Adobe Photoshop
document containing text, the text remains editable. Fireworks handles missing fonts upon import by asking you to
select a substitute font or allowing you to import text as a static image.
This chapter contains the following topics:
• “Entering text” on page 109
• “Formatting text” on page 112
• “Applying strokes, fills, and filters to text” on page 119
• “Attaching text to a path” on page 120
• “Transforming text” on page 121
• “Converting text to paths” on page 122
• “Importing text” on page 122
• “Checking spelling” on page 124
• “Using the Text Editor” on page 125
Entering text
You can enter, format, and edit text in your graphics using the Text tool and the options in the Property inspector.
Text tool
Note: If the Property inspector is minimized, click the expander arrow in the lower right corner to see all text properties.