User Guide
Note: Fireworks saves 16-bit TIFF images at 24-bit color depth.
Animated GIFs
You can bring animated GIF files into Fireworks in two ways:
• You can import an animated GIF as an animation symbol. You can edit and move all the elements of the animation
as a single unit and use the Library panel to create new instances of the symbol.
Note: When you import an animated GIF, the frame delay setting defaults to 0.07 seconds. If necessary, use the Frames
panel to restore the original timing.
• You can open an animated GIF as you would open a normal GIF file. Each element of the GIF is placed as a
separate image in its own Fireworks frame. You can convert the graphic to an animation symbol in Fireworks.
EPS files
Fireworks opens most EPS files, such as Photoshop EPS files, as flattened bitmap images, in which all objects are
combined on a single layer. Some EPS files exported from Illustrator, however, retain their vector information.
When you open or import most EPS files, the EPS File Options dialog box opens.
Image Size determines the image dimensions and the units in which the image is rendered. You can select from
pixels, percent, inches, and centimeters.
Resolution indicates the pixels per unit for the resolution.
Constrain Proportions opens the file in the same proportions as the original.
Anti-aliased smoothes jagged edges in the opened EPS file.
When you open or import Illustrator EPS files that contain vector information, the Vector File Options dialog box
opens. This is the same dialog box that appears when you open or import FreeHand files.
PSD files
Fireworks CS3 can open PSD files created in Photoshop and preserve all or most of the PSD features, including
hierarchical layers, layer effects, and commonly used blend modes.
WBMP files
Fireworks can open WBMP files, which are 1-bit (monochrome) files optimized for mobile computing devices. This
format is for use on Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) pages. You can open a WBMP file directly using File >
Open or import a WBMP file using File > Import.
Creating Fireworks PNG files from HTML files
Fireworks can open and import HTML content created in other applications. When you open or import an HTML
file, Fireworks reconstructs the layout and behaviors defined by the HTML code, allowing you to re-create web pages
that contain sliced graphics, JavaScript buttons, and other types of interactivity. This allows you to salvage inherited
websites even if you don’t have the source PNG files. With this feature, you can quickly open or import a web page
to update graphics, change document layout, or alter navigational links, buttons, and other interactive elements, all
without having to rebuild the page from scratch or modify its scripting.
Because Fireworks exports HTML content in the form of an HTML table, it also determines the document layout for
imported HTML based on HTML tables. An HTML file must contain at least one table for Fireworks to be able to
reconstruct it. For more about HTML, see “Exporting HTML” on page 280.