User Guide
• Size and position of the active area
• Core button behavior
• Optimization and export settings
• URL link (also available as an instance-level property)
• Target frame (also available as an instance-level property)
To edit button properties at the symbol level:
1 Do one of the following to open the button in the Button Editor:
• Double-click a button instance in the workspace.
• In the Library panel, double-click the button preview or the symbol icon beside the button symbol.
2 Make changes to the button’s characteristics, and click Done.
Changes are applied to all instances of the button symbol.
Editing instance-level properties
Instance-level properties are edited in the Property inspector when a single instance is selected. You change these
properties for an instance without affecting the associated symbol or any other instances of that symbol. These
properties typically differ from button to button in a series of buttons:
• An instance’s object name, which appears in the Layers panel and is used for naming the exported slices for the
button instance upon export
• Live Filters or opacity applied to the entire instance
• Text characters and text formatting, such as font, size, orientation, and color
• URL link (overrides any URL that exists as a symbol-level property)
• Alternate (alt) image description
• Target frame (overrides any target frame that exists as a symbol-level property)
• Additional behaviors assigned to an instance using the Behaviors panel
• The Show Down State on Load option in the Property inspector for instances in a nav bar
Note: You need not select the Show Down State on Load option for every button instance in a nav bar. The Document
Specific section of the HTML Setup dialog box contains an option called Export Multiple Files. When you select this
option and then export a nav bar, Fireworks CS3 exports each HTML page with the corresponding button’s Down state.
For more information, see “Setting HTML export options” on page 287.
To edit instance-level properties of a single button symbol instance:
1 Select the button instance in the work area.
2 Set the properties in the Property inspector.