User Guide
To set kerning:
Do one of the following to select the text you want to kern:
• Click between two characters with the Text tool.
• Use the Text tool to highlight the characters you want to change.
• Use the Pointer tool to select an entire text block. Shift-click to select multiple text blocks.
2 Do one of the following:
• In the Property inspector, drag the Kerning pop-up slider or enter a percentage in the text box.
A. Kerning pop-up slider B. Kerning percentage
Zero represents normal kerning. Positive values move letters farther apart. Negative values move letters closer
• Hold down Control (Windows) or Command (Macintosh) while pressing the Left Arrow or Right Arrow keys on
the keyboard.
The Left Arrow key decreases the space between letters by 1%, and the Right Arrow key moves letters farther apart
by 1%.
Hold down Shift and Control (Windows) or Shift and Command (Macintosh) while pressing the Left Arrow or
Right Arrow keys to adjust kerning by 10% increments.
Setting leading
Leading determines the distance between adjacent lines in a paragraph. Leading can be measured in pixels or as a
percentage of the distance, in points, separating the lines baseline to baseline.
You can use the Property inspector or the keyboard to set leading.
Leading options in the Property inspector
To set the leading of selected text in the Property inspector:
In the Property inspector, drag the Leading pop-up slider or enter a value in the text box. The default is 100%.
2 To change the leading unit type, select % or px (pixels) from the Leading Units pop-up menu.
To set the leading of selected text using the keyboard:
❖ Hold down Control (Windows) or Command (Macintosh) while pressing the Up Arrow or Down Arrow keys.
The Up Arrow key increases the space between lines, and the Down Arrow key moves lines closer together.
Hold down Shift and Control (Windows) or Shift and Command (Macintosh) while pressing the Up Arrow or
Down Arrow keys to adjust leading by increments of 10.