
User Guide
Editing masks
You can modify masks in many ways. By modifying a mask’s position, shape, and color, you can change the visibility
of masked objects. You can also change a mask’s type and the way it is applied. In addition, masks can be replaced,
disabled, or deleted.
The results of editing a mask are immediately visible, even if the mask object itself is not visible on the canvas. The
mask thumbnail in the Layers panel displays the edits you make to the mask.
Masked objects can also be modified. You can rearrange masked objects without moving the mask. You can also add
additional masked objects to an existing mask group.
Selecting masks and masked objects using mask thumbnails
Masks and masked objects can be easily identified and selected using the thumbnails in the Layers panel. Thumbnails
allow you to easily select and edit just the mask or the masked objects, without affecting the other objects.
When you select the mask thumbnail, the mask icon appears beside it in the Layers panel, and the mask’s properties
show in the Property inspector, where they can be changed if desired.
To select a mask:
Click the mask thumbnail in the Layers panel.
The Layers panel displays a green highlight around a mask thumbnail when it is selected.
To select masked objects:
Click the masked object thumbnail in the Layers panel.
The Layers panel displays a blue highlight around a masked object’s thumbnail when it is selected.
Selecting masks and masked objects using the Subselection tool
You can use the Subselection tool to select individual masks and masked objects on the canvas without selecting the
other components of the mask.
When you select a mask or a masked object with the Subselection tool, the Property inspector shows the properties
for the selected object.
To select a mask or masked object independently:
Click the object on the canvas with the Subselection tool.