User Guide
Note: You cannot enter a magnification percentage in the Set Magnification text box.
To zoom out based on a specific area:
❖ Alt-drag (Windows) or Option-drag (Macintosh) a selection area with the Zoom tool.
To return to 100% magnification:
❖ Double-click the Zoom tool in the Tools panel.
To pan around the document:
Select the Hand tool.
2 Drag the hand pointer.
As you pan beyond the canvas edge, the view continues to pan so that you can work with pixels along the canvas edge.
To fit the document in the current view:
❖ Double-click the Hand tool.
Using view modes to manage the workspace
You use the view mode buttons in the View section of the Tools panel to control the layout of your workspace. You
can select one of three view modes:
Standard Screen mode is the default document window view.
Full Screen with Menus mode is a maximized document window view set against a gray background with
menus, toolbars, scroll bars, and panels visible.
Full Screen mode is a maximized document window view set against a black background with no menus,
toolbars, or title bars visible.
To change view modes, do one of the following:
• To change to Full Screen with Menus mode, click the Full Screen with Menus Mode button in the Tools panel.
• To change to Full Screen Mode, click the Full Screen Mode button in the Tools panel.
• To return to Standard Screen mode, right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Macintosh) in the document window
and select Exit Full Screen Mode, or click the Standard Screen Mode button in the Tools panel.
Displaying multiple document views
You can use multiple views to see one document at different magnifications simultaneously. Changes you make in
one view are automatically reflected in all other views of the same document. Generally, you’ll want to be sure that
your document is not maximized in the workspace before creating multiple views. This lets you see multiple views
of the document at one time.
To open an additional document view at a different zoom setting:
Select Window > Duplicate Window.
2 Select a zoom setting for the new window.
To tile document views:
❖ Select Window > Tile Horizontal or Window > Tile Vertical.