User Guide
Note: If you use the Quick Export button to export the file, only the currently selected page is exported.
2 Choose the location for the export files.
3 Select HTML and Images from the Export pop-up menu.
4 Click the Options button and select your HTML editor from the HTML Style pop-up menu on the General tab of
the HTML Setup dialog box. If your HTML editor is not listed, select Generic.
5 Click OK to return to the Export dialog box.
6 Select Export HTML file from the HTML pop-up menu. Choosing Export HTML generates an HTML file and
the associated image files in the location you specify.
7 Select Export Slices from the Slices pop-up menu if your document contains slices.
8 If you want to export all of the pages in the file, deselect the Current page only check box.
9 Select Put Images in Subfolder if you want images stored in a separate folder. You can select a specific folder or
use the Fireworks default, which is a folder named images.
10 Click Export.
After export, you’ll see the files Fireworks exported on your hard drive. If you chose to export all of the pages, a
separate HTML file for each page is created. The images and HTML files are generated in the location you specified
in the Export dialog box.
Note: For more detailed information about exporting from Fireworks, see “Optimizing and Exporting” on page 257.
Exporting pages as image files
1 Select File > Export.
2 Choose the location for the export files.
3 Do one of the following:
• Select Images Only from the Export pop-up menu, and choose whether to export the current page or all pages by
selecting or deselecting the Current page only check box. The pages are exported to the default image format,
which is set using the Optimize panel.
• Select Pages to Files in the Export pop-up menu, and select Images in the Export As pop-up menu. All of the pages
are exported in the default image format, which is set using the Optimize panel.
• Select Pages to Files in the Export pop-up menu, and select Fireworks PNG in the Export As pop-up menu. Each
page is exported as a separate file in the PNG format. Use this method to create PNG files that are backward
compatible with Fireworks 8.