User Guide
2 Drag the hotspot tool to draw a hotspot over an area of the graphic. Hold down Alt (Windows) or Option
(Macintosh) to draw from a center point.
Note: You can adjust the position of a hotspot as you drag to draw it. While holding down the mouse button, simply
press and hold down the Spacebar, then drag the hotspot to another location on the canvas. Release the Spacebar to
continue drawing the hotspot.
To create an odd-shaped hotspot:
Select the Polygon Hotspot tool.
2 Click to place vector points, much as you would draw straight line segments with the Pen tool. Whether the path
is open or closed, the fill defines the hotspot area.
To create a hotspot by tracing one or more selected objects:
1 Select Edit > Insert > Hotspot.
If you selected more than one object, a message appears asking whether you want to create a single rectangular
hotspot covering all objects or multiple hotspots, one for each object.
2 Click Single or Multiple. The Web Layer displays the new hotspot or hotspots.
Editing hotspots
Hotspots are web objects, and like many other objects, they can be edited using the Pointer, Subselection, and
Transform tools. For more information on using these tools to edit a web object, see “Using tools to edit slice objects”
on page 205.
You can change a hotspot’s position and size numerically using the Property inspector or the Info panel. For more
information about changing an object’s dimensions numerically, see “Transforming objects numerically” on page 57.
For more information about changing an object’s position numerically, see “Editing selected objects” on page 53.
You can also change a hotspot’s shape using the Property inspector.
To convert a selected hotspot to a rectangle, circle, or polygon hotspot:
❖ In the Property inspector, select Rectangle, Circle, or Polygon from the Hotspot Shape pop-up menu.
Preparing hotspots for export
You can use the Property inspector to assign URLs, alternate text, targets, and custom names to hotspots. If the
Property inspector is minimized, click the expander arrow in the lower-right corner to see all properties.
You assign hotspot properties the same way you assign slice properties. For more information on using the Property
inspector to assign URLs, alt text, target frames, and custom names, see “Preparing slices for export” on page 211.