
User Guide
Set Nav Bar Image sets a slice to be a part of a Fireworks navigation bar. Each slice that is part of the navigation bar
must have this behavior. The Set Nav Bar Image option is actually a behavior group containing the Nav Bar Over,
Nav Bar Down, and Nav Bar Restore behaviors. This behavior is automatically set for you by default when you use
the Button Editor to create a button that includes an Include Over While Down state or Show Down Image Upon
Load state. When you create a two-state button, a simple rollover behavior is assigned to its slice. When you create
a three- or four-state button, a Set Nav Bar Image behavior is assigned to its slice. For more information on buttons,
see “Creating button symbols” on page 220.
Nav Bar Over specifies the Over state for the currently selected slice when it is part of a navigation bar and optionally
specifies the Preload images state and Include Over While Down state.
Nav Bar Down specifies a Down state for the currently selected slice when it is part of a navigation bar and
optionally specifies a Preload images state.
Nav Bar Restore restores all the other slices in the navigation bar to their Up state.
Set Pop-up Menu attaches a pop-up menu to a slice or hotspot. When you apply a pop-up menu behavior, you can
use the Pop-up Menu Editor. For more information, see “Creating pop-up menus” on page 229.
Set Text of Status Bar lets you define text for display in the status bar at the bottom of most browser windows.
Attaching behaviors
Using the Behaviors panel, you can attach a behavior to a slice. You can also attach more than one behavior.
To attach a behavior to a selected slice using the Behaviors panel:
1 Click the Add Behavior button (the Plus button) in the Behaviors panel.
A. Add Behavior button B. Remove Behavior button
2 Select a behavior from the Add Behavior button. For an explanation of each behavior, see “Using the Behaviors
panel to add interactivity to slices” on page 209.
Editing behaviors
The Behaviors panel also gives you the ability to edit existing behaviors. You can specify the type of mouse event
(such as onClick) that triggers the behavior.
Note: You cannot change the event for Simple Rollover and Set Nav Bar Image.
To change the mouse event that activates the behavior:
1 Select the trigger slice or hotspot containing the behavior you want to modify.
All behaviors associated with that slice or hotspot are displayed in the Behaviors panel.
2 Select the behavior you want to edit.