User Guide
4 Move the tip of the eyedropper pointer to the open space after the last swatch in the Swatches panel.
The eyedropper pointer becomes the paint bucket pointer.
5 Click to add the swatch.
When you select Snap to Web Safe in the Options menu of the color pop-up window, any non-websafe color you
pick up with the eyedropper pointer is changed to the nearest websafe color.
To replace a swatch with another color:
1 Select the Eyedropper tool from the Tools panel.
2 Select the number of pixels to sample from the Sample pop-up menu in the Property inspector: 1 pixel, 3x3
Average, or 5x5 Average.
3 Click anywhere inside any Fireworks Document window to sample a color.
4 Hold down Shift and place the pointer over a swatch in the Swatches panel.
The pointer becomes the paint bucket pointer.
5 Click the swatch to replace it with the new color.
To delete a swatch from the Swatches panel:
1 Hold down Control (Windows) or Command (Macintosh) and place the pointer over a swatch.
The pointer becomes the scissors pointer.
2 Click the swatch to delete it from the Swatches panel.
To save a selection of sampled colors:
1 Add sampled colors to the Swatches panel.
2 Select Save Swatches from the Swatches panel Options menu.
The Export Swatches dialog box opens.
3 Select a filename and directory and click Save.
Clearing and sorting swatches
You can clear and sort swatches using the Swatches panel Options menu.
To clear or sort swatches:
❖ Select one of the following from the Swatches panel Options menu:
Clear Swatches clears the entire Swatches panel.
Sort by Color sorts the swatches by color value.
Creating colors in the Color Mixer
In the Color Mixer, you can create colors by dragging sliders or entering values for each component of a color model
such as RGB, Hexadecimal, or CMY. The color you create is applied to the active Stroke Color or Fill Color box. The
Color Mixer also has a color bar displaying the range of colors in the current color model. You can click anywhere
in the color bar to apply a color. You can also click the system color picker button to select a Windows or Macintosh
system color.