User Guide
Images: Illustrator AI files can contain linked files and placed files of the following types: PDF, BMP, EPS, GIF, JPEG,
JPEG2000, PICT, PCX, PCD, PSD, PXR, PNG, TGA and TIFF. Embedded Images are brought into Fireworks as
raster images. Linked images are preserved as linked bitmaps in Fireworks.
Clip Masks: Fireworks supports the import of clipping masks with paths and compound paths.
Filled Strokes: Filled strokes are imported as a single drawing object.
Solid Fills: Filled paths are imported as a single drawing object.
Compound Paths: Compound paths are imported as a single drawing object.
Groups: The group is preserved and the individual grouped objects come in as drawing objects.
Graphs: Graphs are imported as groups, and they lose their special editability as graphs.
Primitives: Illustrator primitives are actually paths, so they are not imported as Fireworks primitives.
Patterns: Patterns are imported as individual tiles. These tiles are imported as a native pattern in Fireworks and the
pattern is assigned to the drawing object.
Brush Strokes: Brush strokes are imported as multiple groups (one group per closed path).
Symbols: Symbols are imported as a normal group objects.
Transparency: Fireworks imports object opacity correctly, preserving object transparency settings at the original
Illustrator values.
Sub Layers: Fireworks imports all sub layers as native Fireworks sub layers.
About working with GoLive
You can use Fireworks and GoLive together to create and edit web pages. You can export and copy Fireworks HTML
to GoLive the same way you can with most other HTML editors. The only exception is that you must choose GoLive
HTML as your HTML style before you export or copy HTML from Fireworks.
For more information about choosing an HTML style and exporting Fireworks HTML, see Fireworks Help.
Note: The GoLive HTML style does not support pop-up menu code. If your Fireworks document contains pop-up
menus, you should choose Generic HTML as the HTML style before exporting.
About working with HTML editors
Fireworks generates pure HTML that can be read by all HTML editors. For general information on placing
Fireworks HTML into HTML editors, see Fireworks Help.
Fireworks can also import HTML content. This is a powerful feature, allowing you to open and edit most any HTML
document within Fireworks. For more information, see Fireworks Help.