User Guide
5 If your Fireworks document contains interactive elements, you’ll need to copy the JavaScript code as well.
JavaScript code is surrounded by
<SCRIPT> tags and is located in the <HEAD> section of the document. Copy and
paste the entire
<SCRIPT> section, unless your destination document already has a <SCRIPT> section. In this case
you should copy and paste only the contents of the
<SCRIPT> section into the existing <SCRIPT> section, being
careful not to overwrite the contents of the existing section. Also ensure there are no duplicate JavaScript functions
in the
<SCRIPT> section after you paste the code.
Updating exported HTML
The Update HTML command allows you to make changes to a Fireworks HTML document you’ve previously
exported. This feature is useful if you want to update only a portion of a document.
Note: Update HTML works differently with Dreamweaver documents than it does with other HTML documents. For
more information, see “Working with Dreamweaver” on page 292.
When updating Fireworks HTML, you can choose to replace just the images that changed, or overwrite all code and
images. If you choose to replace only the images that changed, any changes you made to the HTML file outside of
Fireworks are preserved.
Note: For considerable changes to document layout, make your changes in Fireworks and re-export the HTML file.
To update HTML using the Update HTML command:
1 Do one of the following:
• Select File > Update HTML.
• Click the Quick Export button and select Update HTML from the pop-up menu.
2 Select the file to update in the Locate HTML File dialog box.
3 Click Open.
4 If no Fireworks-generated HTML is found, click OK to insert new HTML at the end of the document.
5 If Fireworks-generated HTML is found, select one of the following and click OK:
Replace Images and Their HTML replaces the previous Fireworks HTML.
Update Images Only overwrites only the images.
6 If the Select Images Folder dialog box appears, select a folder and click Open.
Exporting CSS layers
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) give you added control over how web pages are displayed. CSS layers let you create style
sheets or templates that define how different elements, such as headers and links, should appear. With CSS, you can
control the style and layout of multiple web pages at once. CSS layers can overlap and be stacked on top of one
another. In Fireworks, normal HTML output does not overlap.
To export a graphic in CSS layers:
1 Select File > Export.
2 In the Export dialog box, type a filename and select a destination folder.
3 Select CSS Layers from the Export pop-up menu.
4 In the Source pop-up menu, select one of the following:
Fireworks Layers exports all layers as CSS layers.