
User Guide
Viewing and displaying slices and slice guides
You can control the visibility of slices and other web objects in your document using the Layers panel and the Tools
panel. When you turn slice visibility off for the whole document, slice guides are hidden too.
Using the Property inspector, you can organize slices by assigning a unique color to each slice object. You can also
change the color of slice guides through the View menu.
Viewing slices in the Layers panel
The Web Layer displays all the web objects in the document so that you can select and view each one.
To view and select a slice in the Layers panel:
Select Window > Layers to open the Layers panel.
2 Expand the Web Layer by clicking the Plus (+) button (Windows) or triangle (Macintosh).
The Web Layer displays the full list of web objects currently in your document.
3 Click a slice name to select it.
The slice is highlighted in the Web Layer and is selected on the canvas.
Showing and hiding slices
Hiding a slice renders the slice invisible in the Fireworks PNG file. You can turn off all or some web objects. Because
slices are web objects, they are listed beneath the Web Layer in the Layers panel, where visibility can be turned on
or off for a selected slice. You can also control slice visibility through the Tools panel. Hiding a slice object does not
prevent the slice from being exported in the HTML.
To hide and show particular slices and hotspots:
Click the eye icon next to the individual web objects in the Layers panel.
2 Click in the Eye column to turn visibility back on. The eye icon reappears when web objects are visible again.
To hide or show all hotspots, slices, and guides, do one of the following:
Click the appropriate Hide/Show Slices button in the Web tools section of the Tools panel.
Click the eye icon next to the Web Layer in the Layers panel.
To hide or show slice guides in any document view:
Select View > Slice Guides.
Changing slice and slice guide color
If the colors used in a document are similar to the slice color, it can be difficult to see slices against the objects in the
document. For ease of viewing, you can assign a new color to selected slices. Assigning unique colors to individual
slices also helps you organize them. You can alter slice guide color as well.
Note: When you preview your document, deselected slices are visible as a white overlay.