User Guide
Original; trimmed canvas
To trim or fit the canvas to the document contents:
1 Choose Select > Deselect to view the document properties in the Property inspector.
2 Click Fit Canvas in the Property inspector.
The canvas expands or contracts to the size of the contents of the canvas.
Cropping a document
By cropping, you can delete unwanted portions of a document. The canvas is resized to fit an area that you define.
By default, cropping deletes objects that extend beyond the canvas boundaries. You can retain objects outside the
canvas by changing a preference before cropping.
To crop a document:
1 Select the Crop tool from the Tools panel or select Edit > Crop Document.
2 Drag a bounding box on the canvas. Adjust the crop handles until the bounding box surrounds the area of the
document that you want to keep.
3 Double-click inside the bounding box or press Enter to crop the document.
Fireworks resizes the canvas to the area you define and deletes objects beyond the edges of the canvas.
You can retain objects outside the canvas by deselecting Delete Objects when Cropping on the Editing tab of the
Preferences dialog box before cropping. For more information about preferences, see “Setting preferences” on
page 346.
Using context menus
Context menus let you quickly access commands that are relevant to the current selection.
To display a context menu:
❖ Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Macintosh) a selected item in the document window.