User Guide
Auto-Start Slideshow: Starts the slideshow automatically when the player opens.
Allow clicking images: Allows the viewer to click and open the image in a new browser window. This allows the
viewer of the slideshow to save images, view them in new tab, or view the full-sized version of the image.
First Album: Select which album in the AlbumBook is loaded when the player starts.
Album Properties panel
The following properties apply only to the individual selected album.
Title: Title of Album in Slideshow. (This title can contain whitespace, for example “My Journey.”)
Folder name: Name of the generated folder for the current album. If you intend to upload the slideshow to a web
server, it is recommended that: 1) You do not include special characters or any spaces in the name, and 2) You do
not use uppercase letters.
Description: Description of the current album.
Thumbnail: Thumbnail image preview option for the current album. When selected, a pop-up menu allows you to
choose an image to use for the thumbnail preview in the slideshow.
Background: Background image selection for the current album. Select this option if you would like to have a
custom background image for the slide show. Pop-up menus allow you to select the image to use and select how it
should be scaled.
Captions panel
Use these options to customize the captions in your slideshows.
Apply to all albums: Apply the selected caption options to all albums in the AlbumBook. This is selected by default.
No change: No change is made to the existing captions.
Clear all captions: Clears all captions for all images in the current album when the slideshow is generated.
Use filenames: Use actual name of the file as the caption for each image in the current album, with or without its
Insert text: Use the specified text as the caption for every image in the current album.
Apply Button: Click to apply the specified caption properties. No change will be made until this button is clicked.
Filters panel
Use these options to apply one of the included filters to modify your slideshow images. You can only apply filters to
a new album.
Apply to all albums: Apply the specified filter(s) to all albums in the AlbumBook or just to the selected album.
Choose Filter: Select a filter to apply. The included filters are Auto Level, Blur, Convert to Grayscale, Convert to
Sepia Tone, Invert, and Sharpen.
Delete button: Delete the selected filter.
Move Filter up button: Move the selected filter up in the list.
Move Filter down button: Move the selected filter down in the list.