User Guide
showThumbnails: whether or not to show thumbnails; or, whether or not thumbnails were exported
thumbWidth: width of thumbnail
thumbHeight: height of thumbnail
autoStart: starts the slideshow automatically
allowClick: whether or not to allow users to click the images
clickAction: which action to take when an image is clicked (open it in new window, new tab, or let the player decide)
Album node
title: title of this particular album
description: description for the album
path: name of folder that contains the images for this album; thumbnails are exported in the “thumbs” folder inside
hasThumb: has thumbnail
thumbSrc: album thumbnail image
hasBg: has background image
bgSrc: album background image
bgScale: scaling method for album background
interval: slideshow interval in seconds for this album
useTransition: use transition when switching between images
transType: slideshow transition for this album
transTime: transition time
firstImage: zero-based index of first image to display
dispSequence: order in which to display images (sequential or random)
Slide node
src: name of image file for this slide
caption: caption associated with this slide
width: width of slide
height: height of slide
thumbWidth: width of slide thumbnail
thumbHeight: height of slide thumbnail