User Guide
The simplest rollover swaps an image in Frame 1 with an image directly below it in Frame 2. You can build more
complicated rollovers as well. Swap-image rollovers can swap in images from any frame; disjoint rollovers swap in
an image from a slice other than the trigger slice.
In Fireworks, when you select a trigger web object created using a behavior handle or the Behaviors panel, all of its
behavior relationships are displayed. By default, a rollover interaction is represented by a blue behavior line.
Creating a simple rollover
A simple rollover swaps in the frame directly under the top frame and involves only one slice.
To attach a simple rollover to a slice:
1 Ensure that the trigger object is not on a shared layer. For more information, see “Sharing layers” on page 163.
2 Select Edit > Insert > Slice to create a slice on top of the trigger object.
3 Create a new frame in the Frames panel by clicking the New/Duplicate Frame button.
4 Create, paste, or import an image to use as the swap image on the new frame.
Position the image beneath the slice you created in step 2, which is still visible even though you’re in Frame 2. Slices
are visible across all frames.
5 Select Frame 1 in the Frames panel to return to the frame that has the original image.
6 Select the slice and place the pointer over the behavior handle. The pointer changes to a hand.