User Guide
To simultaneously add a URL to the library while assigning it to a web object:
Select the object.
2 Do one of the following to enter the URL:
• Select Add URL from the URL panel Options menu, enter an absolute or relative URL, and click OK.
• Enter a URL in the Link text box. Click the Plus (+) button.
The URL appears in the URL preview pane. See “Assigning URLs” on page 212 and “Setting the URL for a button
symbol or instance” on page 226.
To add used URLs to a URL library:
1 Select a library from the Library pop-up menu.
2 Select Add Used URLs to Library from the URL panel Options menu.
To delete a selected URL from the URL preview panel:
❖ Click the Delete URL from Library button at the bottom of the URL panel.
To delete all unused URLs from the library:
1 Select Clear Unused URLs from the URL panel Options menu.
2 Click OK.
Editing URLs
You can easily edit URLs using the URLs panel. You can edit just a single occurrence of a URL, or you can make your
changes ripple throughout the document.
To edit a URL:
1 Select the URL to be edited from the URL preview pane.
2 Select Edit URL from the URL panel Options menu.
3 Edit the URL. Select Change All Occurrences in Document if you want to update this link throughout the entire
Importing and exporting URLs
If the URL panel contains URLs that you want to use again in other Fireworks documents, you can export them for
later use. You can then easily import them into any of your other Fireworks documents for easy access.
You can also import all URLs referenced in any existing HTML document.
To export URLs:
Select Export URLs from the URL panel Options menu.
2 Enter a filename and click Save.
An HTML file is created. This file contains the URLs you have exported.
To import URLs:
Select Import URLs from the URL panel Options menu.