User Guide
2 Select the new grid color from the color box pop-up window, and click OK.
To change the size of the grid’s cells:
Select View > Grid > Edit Grid.
2 Enter the appropriate values in the horizontal and vertical spacing text boxes, and click OK.
Using the History panel to undo and repeat multiple actions
With the History panel, you can view, modify, and repeat the actions taken to create the document. The History
panel lists the most recent actions you have performed in Fireworks, up to the number specified in the Undo Steps
field in the Fireworks Preferences dialog box.
With the History panel, you can do any of the following:
• Quickly undo and redo recent actions.
• Select recently performed actions from the History panel and repeat them.
• Copy selected commands to the Clipboard as the JavaScript text equivalent.
• Save a group of recently performed actions as a custom command, and then select it from the Command menu to
reuse as a single command. For more information about creating commands using the History panel, see
“Scripting with the History panel” on page 342.
To undo and redo actions:
1 Select Window > History to open the History panel.
2 Drag the Undo marker up or down.
To repeat actions:
Perform the actions.
2 Do one of the following to highlight the actions to be repeated in the History panel:
• Click an action to highlight it.
• Control-click (Windows) or Command-click (Macintosh) to highlight multiple individual actions.
• Shift-click to highlight a continuous range of actions.
3 Click the Replay button at the bottom of the History panel.
To save actions for reuse:
Highlight the actions to be saved in the History panel.
2 Click the Save button at the bottom of the panel.
3 Enter a command name and click OK.
To use the saved custom command:
❖ Select the command name from the Commands menu.