
Chapter 16: Using Fireworks with Other
Whether you’re creating web content or multimedia content, Fireworks is an essential component of any designer’s
toolbox. Fireworks works well with other applications, offering a variety of integration features that streamline the
design process.
You can export Fireworks graphics to many applications, including other Adobe products. When used with other
Adobe applications, Fireworks offers powerful integration features:
Fireworks can be opened to edit selected graphics from inside many Adobe applications, such as Adobe Dream-
weaver, Adobe Flash, HomeSite, Adobe FreeHand, and Adobe Director.
Fireworks behaviors are preserved when they are exported to Dreamweaver and Director, allowing you to export
interactive elements such as buttons and rollovers.
Dreamweaver and Fireworks share a tight integration known as Roundtrip HTML. Roundtrip HTML allows you
to make changes in one application and have those changes seamlessly reflected in the other.
Dreamweaver and Fireworks share a file-management feature that allows users to check files into and out of a
Dreamweaver website.
Flash and Fireworks also share a tight integration. You can import Fireworks PNG source files directly into Flash
without having to export to any other graphics format. Flash offers a variety of options that allow you to control
how Fireworks objects and layers are imported.
Fireworks also simplifies the task of working with applications such as Adobe Photoshop and Adobe GoLive. For
example, you can easily import and export Photoshop graphics as fully editable files, or create and edit HTML using
Fireworks and GoLive.
This chapter covers the following topics:
“Working with Dreamweaver” on page 292
“Working with Flash” on page 305
“Working with FreeHand” on page 312
“Working with Director” on page 317
“Working with HomeSite” on page 320
“Working with Photoshop” on page 322
“About working with Illustrator” on page 326
“About working with GoLive” on page 327
“About working with HTML editors” on page 327
“About extending Fireworks” on page 328
“About Adobe XMP” on page 328
“About Adobe Bridge” on page 328
“Flex integration for rich Internet application layouts (MXML export)” on page 329