User Guide
2 From the Transparency pop-up menu in the Optimize panel, select either Index Transparency or Alpha Trans-
parency. For a description of these options, see “Making areas transparent” on page 271.
3 Use the transparency tools in the Optimize panel to select colors for transparency.
Optimizing an animation
Optimization compresses your file into the smallest package for fast loading and exporting, making downloading
time much quicker on your website.
To optimize an animation:
If you plan to export your animation as an animated GIF, select Animated GIF as the Export file format in the
Optimize panel.
If the panel is not visible, select Window > Optimize.
2 Set the Palette, Dither, or Transparency options. For more information on optimizing options, see “Optimizing
GIF, PNG, TIFF, BMP, and PICT files” on page 265.
3 In the Frames panel, set the frame delay. For more information, see “Setting the frame delay” on page 242.
Animation export formats
After you create and optimize an animation, it is ready to export.
Animated GIFs give the best results for clip art and cartoon-like graphics. For information about exporting
animated GIFs, see “Exporting an animation” on page 279.
You can export the animation as a Flash SWF file, and then import it into Flash. Or you can skip the export step and
import your Fireworks PNG source file directly into Flash. This option gives you the most control over how your
animation is imported. You can import all layers and frames of your animation if desired, and then further edit them
within Flash. For more information, see “Working with Flash” on page 305.
You can also export frames or layers from your animations as multiple files. This can be useful when you have many
symbols on different layers for the same object. For example, you can export a banner ad as multiple files if each letter
of a company name is animated in a graphic. Each letter is separate from the others. For more information about
exporting layers or frames to multiple files, see “Exporting frames or layers” on page 279.
Working with existing animations
You can use an existing animated GIF file as part of your Fireworks animation. There are two ways of using the file:
you can import the GIF into an existing Fireworks file, or you can open the GIF as a new file.
When you import an animated GIF, Fireworks converts it to an animation symbol and places it in the currently
selected frame. If the animation has more frames than the current movie does, you can choose to automatically add
more frames.