User Guide
4 Follow the instructions to apply the desired settings.
The imported image is opened as a new Fireworks document.
Saving Fireworks files
When you create a new document or open an existing Fireworks PNG file, the document’s filename has the extension
.png. Files of other types, such as PSD and HTML, also open as PNG files, allowing you to use the Fireworks PNG
document as your source file, or working file.
However, many files retain their original filename extensions and optimization settings when opened in Fireworks.
For more information, see “Saving documents in other formats” on page 23.
The location to which Fireworks defaults when you save a document is determined by the following, in this order:
• The current file location
• The current export/save location, which is defined anytime you browse from the default location in a Save, Save
As, Save a Copy, or Export dialog box
• The default location where new documents or images are saved on your operating system
Saving Fireworks PNG files
When you create a new document or open an existing Fireworks PNG file, the document’s filename has the extension
.png. The file displayed in the Fireworks document window is your source file, or working file.
Using a Fireworks PNG file as your source file has the following advantages:
• The source PNG file is always editable. You can go back and make additional changes even after you export the
file for use on the web.
• You can slice complex graphics into pieces in the PNG file and export them as multiple files with different file
formats and various optimization settings.
To save a new Fireworks document:
Select File > Save As.
The Save As dialog box opens.
2 Browse to the desired location and type the filename.
You do not need to enter an extension; Fireworks does that for you.
3 Click Save.
To save an existing document:
❖ Select File > Save.
To save a Fireworks CS3 PNG file for use in a previous version of Fireworks
Select File > Export.
2 Browse to the location where you want to save the file.
3 If the Fireworks CS3 file has more than one page, select Pages to Files in the Export pop-up menu.