User Guide
The Create Symbol Script panel allows non-programmers to assign some simple symbol attributes and create the
JavaScript file automatically. To open this panel, select Create Symbol Script from the Commands menu.
The JavaScript file
Two functions in the JavaScript file must be defined in order to add editable parameters to the symbol:
• function setDefaultValues() –defines the parameters that can be edited and the default values of these parameters.
• function applyCurrentValues() –applies the values entered through the Symbol Properties panel to the graphic
The following is a sample .JSF file for creating a custom symbol:
function setDefaultValues()
var currValues = new Array();
//to build symbol properties
currValues.push({name:"Selected", value:"true", type:"Boolean"});
Widget.elem.customData["currentValues"] = currValues;
function applyCurrentValues()
var currValues = Widget.elem.customData["currentValues"];
// Get symbol object name
var Check = Widget.GetObjectByName("Check");
Check.visible = currValues[0].value;
switch (Widget.opCode)
case 1: setDefaultValues(); break;
case 2: applyCurrentValues(); break;
default: break;
This sample JavaScript shows a rich symbol that can change colors:
function setDefaultValues()
var currValues = new Array();
//Name is the Parameter name that will be displayed in the Symbol Properties Panel
//Value is the default Value that is displayed when Rich symbol loads first time. In this case, Blue will be the default
color when the Rich symbol is used.
//Color is the Type of Parameter that is displayed. Color will invoke the Color Popup box in the Symbol Properties
currValues.push({name:"BG Color", value:"#003366", type:"Color"});
Widget.elem.customData["currentValues"] = currValues;