Chapter 2: Fireworks Basics
Fireworks CS3 is a software program for designing professional on-screen graphics. Its innovative solutions tackle
the major problems facing graphic designers and webmasters. Using the wide range of tools in Fireworks, you can
create and edit both vector and bitmap graphics within a single file.
The advent of Fireworks freed web designers from having to jump back and forth among as many as a dozen task-
specific applications. Its nondestructive Live Filters eliminate the frustration of having to re-create web graphics
from scratch after any simple edit. Fireworks generates JavaScript, making rollovers easy to create. Efficient optimi-
zation features shrink the size of web graphic files without sacrificing quality.
If you are new to Fireworks, it would be helpful for you to understand general Fireworks concepts such as opening,
importing, and saving files; finding your way around the Fireworks environment; and working within a file. After
you create a new file or open an existing file, the Fireworks work environment is available to you.
This chapter contains the following topics:
• “About working in Fireworks” on page 12
• “About vector and bitmap graphics” on page 13
• “Creating a new document” on page 15
• “Opening and importing files” on page 16
• “Saving Fireworks files” on page 22
• “The Fireworks work environment” on page 24
About working in Fireworks
Fireworks is a versatile program for creating, editing, and optimizing web graphics. You can create and edit both
bitmap and vector images, design web effects such as rollovers and pop-up menus, crop and optimize graphics to
reduce their file size, and save time by automating repetitive tasks. When a document is complete, you can export or
save it as a JPEG file, GIF file, or file of another format—along with HTML files containing HTML tables and JavaS-
cript code—for use on the web. You also can export or save a type of file specific to another program, such as Adobe
Photoshop or Adobe Flash, if you want to continue working in the other program.
Vector and bitmap objects
In the Fireworks Tools panel, you will find distinct sections containing tools for drawing and editing vectors and
bitmaps. For more information on these two basic formats, see “About vector and bitmap graphics” on page 13
In Fireworks, the tool you select determines whether the object you create is a vector or a bitmap. For example, select
the Pen tool from the Vector section of the Tools panel, and you can begin drawing vector paths by plotting points.
Select the Brush tool, and you can drag to paint a bitmap object. Select the Text tool, and you can begin typing.
After drawing vector objects, bitmap objects, or text, you can use a wide array of tools, effects, commands, and
techniques to enhance and complete your graphics. You can use the Fireworks tools in the Button Editor to create
interactive navigation buttons.