User Guide
Imported GIFs lose their original frame delay settings and assume the frame delay of the current document. Because
the imported file is an animation symbol, you can apply additional motion to it. For example, you can import an
animation of a man walking in place and then apply direction and motion properties to have the man walk across
the screen.
When you open an animated GIF in Fireworks, a new file is created and each frame in the GIF is placed in a separate
frame. Although the GIF is not an animation symbol, it does retain all the frame delay settings from the original file.
After the file is imported, you need to set its file format to Animated GIF to export the motion from Fireworks.
To import an animated GIF:
1 Select File > Import.
2 Locate the file and click Open.
3 Click Yes to add additional frames to your animation.
If you click Cancel, only the first frame of the animated GIF is displayed. Although the whole document is imported,
you must add additional frames to view it.
To open an animated GIF:
❖ Select File > Open and locate the GIF file.
Using multiple files as one animation
Fireworks can create an animation based on a group of image files. For example, you can create a banner ad based
on several existing graphics by opening each graphic and placing it in a separate frame in the same document.
To open multiple files as an animation:
1 Select File > Open.
2 Shift-click to select multiple files.
3 Select Open as Animation and click OK.
Fireworks opens the files in a new single document, placing each file in a separate frame in the order in which you
selected it.