
User Guide
Applying beveled edges
Applying a beveled edge to an object gives it a raised look. You can create an inner bevel or an outer bevel.
A rectangle, with Inner Bevel, and with Outer Bevel
To apply a beveled edge to a selected object:
1 Click the Add Live Filters button in the Property inspector, then select a bevel option from the pop-up menu:
Bevel and Emboss > Inner Bevel.
Bevel and Emboss > Outer Bevel.
2 Edit the filter settings in the pop-up window.
3 Click outside the window or press Enter to close it.
Applying embossing
You can use the Emboss Live Filter to make an image, object, or text appear inset into or raised from the canvas.
An object, with Inset Emboss, and with Raised Emboss
To apply an Emboss filter:
1 Click the Add Live Filters button in the Property inspector, then select an emboss option from the pop-up menu:
Bevel and Emboss > Inset Emboss.
Bevel and Emboss > Raised Emboss.
2 Edit the filter settings in the pop-up window.
If you want the original object to appear in the embossed area, select Show Object.
3 When you finish, click outside the window or press Enter to close it.
Note: For backward compatibility, Emboss Live Filters on objects in older documents open with the Show Object option
Applying shadows and glows
Fireworks makes it easy to apply solid shadows, drop shadows, inner shadows, and glows to objects. You can specify
the angle of the shadow to simulate the angle of the light shining on the object.
Drop Shadow, Inner Shadow, and Glow filters