User Guide
To use the Gradient tool:
Click the Paint Bucket tool in the Tools panel and select the Gradient tool from the pop-up menu.
2 Select from the following attributes in the Property inspector:
Fill Options is a pop-up menu from which you can select a gradient type.
Fill Color box when clicked, displays the Edit Gradient pop-up window, from which you can set a variety of color
and transparency options.
Edge determines if the gradient has a hard, anti-aliased, or feathered fill edge. If you select a feathered edge, you can
specify the amount of the feathering.
Tex ture gives you many options to select from, including Grain, Metal, Hatch, Mesh, or Sandpaper.
3 Click and drag the pointer to establish a starting point of the gradient as well as the direction and length of the
gradient area.
Transforming and distorting fills
You can move, rotate, skew, and change the width of an object’s pattern or gradient fill. When you use the Pointer or
Gradient tools to select an object with a pattern or gradient fill, a set of handles appears on or near the object. You
can drag these handles to adjust the object’s fill.
Use the fill handles to interactively adjust a pattern or gradient fill.
To move the fill within an object:
❖ Drag the round handle, or click in a new location in the fill using the Gradient tool.
To rotate the fill:
❖ Drag the lines connecting the handles.
To adjust the fill width and skew:
❖ Drag a square handle.
Setting hard-edged, anti-aliased, or feathered fill edges
In Fireworks, you can make the edge of a fill a regular hard line or soften the edge by anti-aliasing or feathering it.
By default, edges are anti-aliased. Anti-aliasing smoothes jagged edges that may occur on rounded objects, such as
ellipses and circles, by subtly blending the edge into the background.
Feathering, however, produces a noticeable blending on either side of the edge. This softens the edge, creating an
effect similar to a glow.
To change the edge of a selected object:
1 Do one of the following to display the Edge pop-up menu:
• Click the Edge pop-up menu in the Property inspector.
• Click the Fill Color box in the Tools panel, click Fill Options, and click the Edge pop-up menu.