
User Guide
7 Select Current Page Only to apply the canvas size change to the current page. If this box is unchecked, the canvas
size change applies to all pages in the active document, as well as any new pages that are created.
8 Click OK.
About resampling
Fireworks resamples images differently than most image-editing applications do. Fireworks contains pixel-based
bitmap image objects and path-based vector objects.
When a bitmap object is resampled, pixels are added to or removed from the image to make it larger or smaller.
When a vector object is resampled, little quality loss occurs because the path is redrawn mathematically at a larger
or smaller size.
Because the attributes of vector objects in Fireworks are visible as pixels, some strokes or fills may appear slightly
different after resampling because the pixels that compose the stroke or fill must be redrawn.
Note: Guides, hotspot objects, and slice objects are resized when the document’s image size is changed.
Resizing bitmap objects always presents a unique problem—do you add or remove pixels to resize the image, or do
you change the number of pixels per inch or centimeter?
You can alter the size of a bitmap image by adjusting the resolution or by resampling the image. When adjusting the
resolution, you change the size of the pixels in the image so that more or fewer pixels fit in a given space. Adjusting
the resolution without resampling does not result in data loss.
Resampling up, or adding pixels to make the image larger, may result in quality loss because the pixels being added
do not always correspond to the original image.
Downsampling, or removing pixels to make the image smaller, always causes quality loss because pixels are
discarded to resize the image. Data loss in the image is another side effect of downsampling.
Rotating the canvas
Rotating the canvas is helpful when an image is imported upside down or sideways. You can rotate the canvas 180°,
90° clockwise, or 90° counterclockwise.
When you rotate the canvas, all objects in the document rotate.
To rotate the canvas, do one of the following:
Select Modify > Canvas > Rotate 180°.
Select Modify > Canvas > Rotate 90° CW.
Select Modify > Canvas > Rotate 90° CCW.
Trimming or fitting the canvas
If your document contains extra space around the contents of the canvas, you can trim the canvas. You can also
modify the canvas by expanding it to fit objects that extend beyond its boundary.