User Guide
Fireworks masks can also be exported to Photoshop. They are converted into Photoshop layer masks. If the masked
objects include text and you want to maintain text editability in Photoshop, you must select Maintain Editability over
Appearance when exporting.
Note: If text is used as the mask object, it is converted to a bitmap and is no longer editable as text after it is imported
into Photoshop.
Grouping objects to form a mask
You can group two or more objects to create a mask. The topmost object becomes the mask object.
You can group objects as either bitmap masks or vector masks. The stacking order determines the type of mask
applied. If the top object is a vector object, the result is a vector mask. If the top object is a bitmap object, the result
is a bitmap mask.
Note: For more information about vector and bitmap masks, see “About masks” on page 164.
To group objects to form a mask:
1 Shift-click two or more overlapping objects.
You can select objects from different layers.
2 Select Modify > Mask > Group as Mask.