User Guide
Saving marquee selections
You can save the size, shape, and location of a selection to reapply later. You can also save multiple marquee selec-
To save a marquee selection:
1 Choose Select > Save Bitmap Selection to open the Save Selection dialog box.
2 The Document box displays the name of the active document in which your marquee selection will be saved. You
can either leave that name as is, or select another one from the pop-up menu if you would rather save your marquee
selection to another open document.
3 The Selection box displays the name of the active selection in the active document. If this is a new selection, the
word New appears by default. You can leave that as is, or if you want to replace a previously saved selection with the
new selection, select another saved selection from the pop-up menu.
4 The Name box, which displays the word Default, is only enabled if the Selection box displays the word New. If this
is the case, select the word Default and type a name for your new selection.
5 If the Selection box displays the word New, the New selection will be enabled in the Operation section of the Save
Selection dialog box. If a previously saved selection is selected in the Selection box, then all of the following options
will be enabled in the Operation section.
• “Replace selection” replaces the active selection in the active document with the one specified in the Selection box.
• “Add to selection” adds the active selection to the one specified in the Document and Selection boxes.
• “Subtract from selection” subtracts the active selection from the one specified in the Document and Selection
• “Intersect with selection” intersects the active selection with the one specified in the Document and Selection
6 Select an option in the Operation section, and then click OK.
Repeat this process for each of the marquee selections that you want to save.
Restoring marquee selections
You can restore a marquee selection that you have previously named and saved.
To restore a marquee selection:
Choose Select > Restore Bitmap Selection to open the Restore Selection dialog box.
2 The Document box displays the name of the active document in which a marquee selection has been saved. You
can either leave that name as is, or select another one from the pop-up menu if you would rather restore a marquee
selection from another open document.
3 The Selection box displays the name of the selection that will be restored. If you want to restore a different
selection, select it from the pop-up menu.
4 If you want to invert the restored selection, select the Invert box.
5 If there is no active marquee selection in the current document, then New selection will be enabled in the
Operation section of the Restore Selection dialog box. If there is an active marquee selection in the current
document, then all of the following options will be enabled in the Operation section.
• “Replace selection” replaces the active selection in the active document with the one specified in the Selection box.
• “Add to selection” adds the active selection to the one specified in the Document and Selection boxes.