Chapter 10: Using Styles, Symbols,
and URLs
Fireworks provides three panels in which you can store and reuse styles, symbols, and URLs. Styles are stored in the
Styles panel, symbols for the current document are stored in the Library panel, and URLs are stored in the URL
panel. By default, all three panels are organized in the Assets panel group.
The Styles panel contains a set of predefined Fireworks styles to select from. In addition, if you have created a combi-
nation of strokes, fills, filters, and text attributes and want to reuse it, you can save the attributes as a style. Rather
than rebuilding attributes each time, you can simply save them in the Styles panel and then apply that combination
of attributes to other objects.
Fireworks has three types of symbols: graphic, animation, and button. Each has unique characteristics for its specific
use. You can create new symbols, as well as duplicate, import, and edit symbols, using the Library panel. For infor-
mation on specific features built into the animation and button symbols, see “Creating Animations” on page 238 and
“Creating Buttons and Pop-up Menus” on page 220.
A URL, or Uniform Resource Locator, is an address of a specific page or file on the Internet. If you are using the same
URL many times, you can add it to the URL panel. You can organize and group your URLs in URL libraries.
This chapter contains the following topics:
• “Using styles” on page 183
• “Using symbols” on page 186
• “Working with URLs” on page 196
Using styles
You can save and reapply a set of predefined fill, stroke, filter, and text attributes by creating a style. When you apply
a style to an object, that object takes on the style’s characteristics.
Fireworks has many predefined styles. You can add, change, and remove styles. The Fireworks DVD and the Adobe
website have many more predefined styles that you can import into Fireworks. You can also export styles and share
them with other Fireworks users or import styles from other Fireworks documents.
Note: You cannot apply styles to bitmap objects.
Applying a style
You can use the Styles panel to create, store, and apply styles to objects or text.