User Guide
Editing Fireworks tables
When you open and edit an image slice that is part of a placed Fireworks table, Dreamweaver automatically opens
the source PNG file for the entire table.
Before editing Fireworks tables from Dreamweaver, you should perform some preliminary tasks. For more infor-
mation, see “Setting launch-and-edit options” on page 302.
Note: You may get a Dreamweaver error if you nest another table inside the original Fireworks-generated table and then
try to edit the table using Roundtrip editing in Dreamweaver. For more information, see TechNote 19231 on the Adobe
To open and edit a Fireworks table placed in Dreamweaver:
In Dreamweaver, choose Window > Properties to open the Property inspector, if it is not already open.
2 Do one of the following:
• Click inside the table, and click the TABLE tag in the status bar to select the entire table. (The Property inspector
identifies the selection as a Fireworks table and displays the name of the known PNG source file for the table.)
Then click Edit in the Property inspector.
• Click the upper left corner of the table to select it, and then click Edit in the Property inspector.
• Select an image in the table, then click Edit in the Property inspector.
• Control-double-click (Windows) or Command-double-click (Macintosh) the image you want to edit.
• Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Macintosh) the image, and then choose Edit with Fireworks from the
context menu.
Dreamweaver starts Fireworks, if it is not already open. The source PNG file for the entire table appears in the
Document window.
For more information on Fireworks source PNG files, see Fireworks Help.
3 In Fireworks, make the desired edits.
Dreamweaver recognizes and preserves all edits applied to the table in Fireworks.
4 When you have finished editing the table, click Done in the Document window.
The HTML and image slice files for the table are exported using the current optimization settings, the table placed
in Dreamweaver is updated, and the PNG source file is saved.
About Dreamweaver behaviors
If a single, unsliced Fireworks graphic is inserted into a Dreamweaver document and a Dreamweaver behavior is
applied, that graphic will have a slice on top of it when it is opened and edited in Fireworks. The slice is not visible
initially, because slices are automatically turned off when you open and edit single, unsliced graphics to which
Dreamweaver behaviors are applied. You can view the slice by turning on its visibility from the Web Layer of the
Layers panel.
When you view properties for a slice in Fireworks that has a Dreamweaver behavior attached, the Link text box in
the Property inspector might display
javascript:;. Deleting this text is harmless. You can type over it to enter a
URL if desired, and the behavior will still be intact when you return to Dreamweaver.
When you work with Roundtrip HTML from Dreamweaver, Fireworks supports server-side file formats such as
CFM and PHP.