36 2B Move Around on Your Phone
Tap the center of the gesture area to minimize the app
and display Card view (see “Display All Open
Applications (Card View)” on page 49). When you’re
working in an application, the gesture area displays a
lighted bar in the center. The lighted bar also appears
when you tap the center of the gesture area to
maximize a card in Card view.
Basic Gestures
Tap: Tap with the tip of the finger—not the fingernail. Tap
fast and firmly, and then immediately lift your fingertip
off the screen. Don’t bear down on what you’re tapping.
Don’t wait for a response; the response comes after
you lift your finger. Don’t linger on the gesture; a tap
takes a split second to do.
Tap the center of the gesture area to do the following:
ⅷ When you’re working in an application, tap the
center of the gesture area to see
Card view. Card view
shows you all the applications that are currently
open, displayed as a series of cards (small active
ⅷ When you’re in Card view, tap the center of the
gesture area to maximize the app in the center of the