Nokia IPSO 4.0 Cell Phone User Manual

Nokia Network Voyager for IPSO 4.0 Reference Guide 281
Enter the IP address you want to assign to the virtual router back up in the Backup
Address edit box. Click Apply.
The IP address(es) associated with the monitored circuit virtual router must not match the
real IP address of any host or router on the network of the interface.
3. To set a VMAC address, click the VMAC Mode drop-down list and select either Interface,
Static, or Extended. VRRP is the default. If you select Static, you must enter the VMAC
address that you want to use in the Static VMAC text box. Click Apply, and then click Save
to make your changes permanent.
If you set the VMAC mode to interface or static, you will get syslog error messages when
you reboot, or at failover, indicating duplicate IP addresses for the master router and backup
router. This is expected behavior since both the master router and the backup router will be
using the same virtual IP address temporarily until they resolve into master and backup.
Changing the IP Address List of a Virtual Router in VRRPv3
You must configure at least one virtual address for a virtual router. Addresses already configured
are displayed in the List of IPv6 addresses field. Addresses that belong to the interface but not
selected for the virtual router are displayed in the Addresses drop-down list.
1. Click VRRP for IPv6 under Configuration > System Configuration > IPv6
Configuration > Router Services in the tree view.
2. Locate the virtual router and the interface with the IP address to change.
You can locate the virtual router information by using the VRID value displayed in the
Router with VRID field.
3. To remove an IP address from the list, in the List of Ipv6 addresses field, click Off next to
the address you want to delete.
Click Apply.
4. To add an IP address, select an address from the Address drop-down list.
Click Apply.
5. To add a backup IP address, enter the IP address in the Backup Address text box.
Click Apply.
6. To make your changes permanent, click Save.
Removing a Virtual Router in VRRPv3
When you disable a virtual router, the VRRP operation terminates, and the configuration
information no longer appears on the VRRP for IPV6 Configuration page in Network Voyager.